Equipment Notes
When collecting a marquee please ensure you take :
- 12 A poles
- 15 B poles
- 12 C poles (all C poles should already have feet on them)
- 1 bin full of joints (in the bin should also be a bunch of bungees and possibly some guy pins though these are not necessary and we don’t promise any of them)
- 1 canopy canvas
- 2 end panels
- 10 side panels
- Leg weights – 4 or 6 per marquee unless you are expecting really strong winds
- A document showing the construction of the marquee
Canvasses must be returned clean and completely dry.
Each bin must contain the joints and bungees for 1 marquee
We must be told if any of these are used.
Orange fencing
Each roll should be 50m long. Please do not cut.
These must be returned dry and rolled up tight and tied.
Festoon lighting
These are hired out in boxes of 10 sets which string together. Each set is 5m long. Please remember to take a power supply and ensure you use the breaker supplied.
There are 2 models of festoon lighting – signified by purple or white boxes. The power supply for the white boxes has a white marking on the power supply. The power supplies are not interchangeable.
Each generator has an earth spike and a plastic zipper bag. The plastic zipper should have a key in it specific to the generator.
Ensure you use the breakers supplied in the bags and do not plug your equipment straight into the generator. Please do not plug the breaker directly into your household sockets.
The tables are 75cm wide and 180cm long (6ft = 182cm). They fold in the middle and most will have the handle to help with carrying.
When collecting chairs please check each one for rubbers on all 4 feet and that there are no cracks in the seat or back rest.
Outdoor feather flags
The structure of the flags comes in 3 parts : base, adapter, pole – each flag needs all 3.
There are 22 sets..
There are also 22 ready made flags numbered 1 to 22 with the word ‘Venue’.
PA System
Our PA system will only run one extension speaker.
We prefer payment for hire and security deposit by bank transfer. You will be asked to provide your bank details for return of the deposit on successful return of all the equipment.
Bank details:
Bank : Lloyds Bank
Account Name: 21st Century Thame Ltd
Sort code: 30 98 56
Account Number 21715768
Ref : TEB {your name or organisation}
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Equipment Notes